Navarre launches its own official brand to reinforce the international presence of the territory

PAMPLONA-IRUÑA. — 26th June 2024.

The Government of Navarre presented this Tuesday in Pamplona-Iruña the first outline of its official new brand with which it intends to consolidate the image and international projection of the territory: a project that can be seen, heard and touched through an interactive exhibition that It will be set during the entire San Fermín festivities next to the facilities of our International Press Office in the BALUARTE Congress Palace and Auditorium until next July 14.

The objective of this new “Navarra Brand” is to capture the attention of professionals, both in communication and public relations, as well as high-level advisors, public and private policy makers, companies and sectors of high interest at a national and international level, from the European Union to other continents. The idea is to contribute to generating value for Navarra, in a context in which many agents, nations and territories compete to position themselves and distinguish themselves from the rest.

The project also aims to reinforce the internal cohesion of the territory and highlight the potential of working together, based on the diversity it possesses.

Navarre in a Worldwide context


Under the motto ‘Navarra, our own way’ we want to convey to citizens the results of the strategic reflection that has been carried out in the last year to relocate Navarre in the world and disseminate the opportunities it offers as an innovative, sustainable and equilitarian region. A region that cares, that invests in well-being, in sustainability, in innovation, in defense of nature, natural resources and in a future place in which to develop life with dignity for all people. A way of doing things, in short.

The four axes on which this ‘Navarra Brand’ action plan will revolve are quality of life as a hallmark of Navarra; its potential as a land of opportunity and collaboration; its ability to attract and generate talent, research and employment; and its role as a tourism destination, wealth and diversity.

The exhibition that can be visited by all national and international media professionals interested in getting to know our territory better.

During the tour you can use an audio guide downloadable from a QR. At the welcome point of the exhibition, you are invited to discover an “ingenious, determined, diverse, social, ambitious, tenacious, fertile and advanced way of functioning.” The explanatory signage describes Navarra as a region in which “the value of the given word beats” and that has achieved a level of development based on common effort.

Visitors can be identified using a different color sticker code, depending on whether they come from Navarre, the rest of Spain or from other countries. Through an interactive panel, they are invited to answer a series of previous questions about their age, occupation and expectations about what a territory brand provides.

For the opening of the exhibition, the Government of Navarre has activated the third phase of the open participatory process to collect suggestions from citizens and has launched the website that collects information about the project and a virtual visit to the exhibition.

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