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10 facts about the Running of the bulls that you should know as a journalist

The city of Pamplona-Iruña is famous worldwide for the San Fermín festival, which is held annually from July 6 to July 14. The most famous event is the running of the bulls, which begins at 8 am. each day on 7–14 July, but the festival involves many other traditional and folkloric events such as 24 […]

10 facts about the Running of the bulls that you should know as a journalist Leer más »

The International Press Office begins its activity for San Fermín 2024

The International Press Office of Navarre begins its activity for another year with the purpose of serving and providing support to the more than local, national and foreign 400 communication professionals —journalists, photojournalists and documentary filmmakers— who are officially accredited for the informative coverage of the Pamplona-Iruña festivities. This Press hub launched by the Association

The International Press Office begins its activity for San Fermín 2024 Leer más »

La aplicación San Fermín Pamplona ofrecerá información sobre la fiesta en tiempo real

La aplicación de móvil ‘San Fermín Pamplona‘, ofrecerá a pamploneses y visitantes todos los datos imprescindibles para disfrutar de los Sanfermines, desde el programa de fiestas hasta información en tiempo real sobre la situación de las comparsas.

La aplicación San Fermín Pamplona ofrecerá información sobre la fiesta en tiempo real Leer más »

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